lundi 29 décembre 2014

Another case of palytoxin

This weekend a bunch of our club members installed a monster system in for a fellow club member. He had 2 65 gallon reefs a incoming 120 already stocked that he boughs from a tear down. All 3 tanks were on 3 different floors all sharing a 140 gallon sump. Water changes involved pressing buttons and old water down the drain and new water pumped in. The tank arrived and there were zoa or palys stuck to the glass along with a bunch of majanos. They scraped the glass outside some what. As we were working every one seemed to start to get congested but we were working so hard to get it done no one put it together. Got everything done I was walking out with the club secartery and she said we all sound like a bunch of coke heads. It kind of dawned on me then but I didn't feel to bad. Well after talking to everyone today they are all sick as a dog. Every one congested some said they had a hard time breathing. Some how I made it out okay I did feel like crap last night but don't feel to bad today.

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