jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Fish stocking ideas and thoughts

I currently am in the process of setting up a new 125 Gallon aquarium I just bought thank you @tickle-fish for the project aquarium.

I'm looking at my stock list options.

The tank is going to be set up as a SPS domant tank

So most of the fish will have to live in peace with the corals.

This is my list so far

blue jaw trigger.

Golden Dwarf Moray Eel.

Black angelfish

Black tang

Yellow tang - currently own

Flame angelfish - currently own

Square back anthias group of 3

Law mower blenny

Bi-color blenny- currently have 2+ years

3 banggai cardinal

Maroon clown - currently own 2+ years

2 yellow prawn Gobys - currently own 5+ years

What is your thoughts good, bad?

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