Looking for some suggestions here. I've been battling this red slime/cyano problem for a few months and I'm having a very hard time eradicating it. I've tried several bouts of Red Slime Remover in the past which didn't help. I've tried erythromycin which worked for a while but it cycled my tank which I wasn't happy with. Not sure I want to do that again. Trying to do this all naturally.
I've got a 125 gallon tank with a 40 gal sump. I have a Spectrapure RODI with new filters and do weekly water changes. I change the filter socks twice a week and siphon the sand at least twice a week. I blow off the rocks and stir up the sand almost daily trying to move this stuff out.
Lighting is 2 Solarblast UV 5,000 + by Apollo. I did notice that turning off the blue spectrum slows the growth presumably because the blue reaches deeper depths.
I have two 1150 Hydor powerheads and added a Maspect Gyre about two weeks ago. I have great water movement top to bottom.
I've turned the lights off for 4 days which will slow it down only to have the stuff come back in a matter of an hour after finally turning them back on. I dialed down feeding to once a day and they consume most of everything that I can tell.
The numbers are all good except phosphates which are not all that bad. Just under .25 maybe. Hard to tell w/ these kits. I put a bag of phosban in the sump, no change. 0 on nitrates, ammonia and nitrites.
My PH is running high though, staying between 8.55 and 8.6. I may dip to 8.47 at night sometimes. Temp stays at 78-79.
I have live sand and about 100 lbs of live rock.
Inhabitants are a yellow tang, blue tang, blue Khoran, rabbit fish, two cardinals, a purple headed dotty back and a clown. Not to mention about a dozen margarita snails.
Any thoughts? Suggestions? This is really becoming a nightmare. I don't want to start adding coral until I have this under control.
I've got a 125 gallon tank with a 40 gal sump. I have a Spectrapure RODI with new filters and do weekly water changes. I change the filter socks twice a week and siphon the sand at least twice a week. I blow off the rocks and stir up the sand almost daily trying to move this stuff out.
Lighting is 2 Solarblast UV 5,000 + by Apollo. I did notice that turning off the blue spectrum slows the growth presumably because the blue reaches deeper depths.
I have two 1150 Hydor powerheads and added a Maspect Gyre about two weeks ago. I have great water movement top to bottom.
I've turned the lights off for 4 days which will slow it down only to have the stuff come back in a matter of an hour after finally turning them back on. I dialed down feeding to once a day and they consume most of everything that I can tell.
The numbers are all good except phosphates which are not all that bad. Just under .25 maybe. Hard to tell w/ these kits. I put a bag of phosban in the sump, no change. 0 on nitrates, ammonia and nitrites.
My PH is running high though, staying between 8.55 and 8.6. I may dip to 8.47 at night sometimes. Temp stays at 78-79.
I have live sand and about 100 lbs of live rock.
Inhabitants are a yellow tang, blue tang, blue Khoran, rabbit fish, two cardinals, a purple headed dotty back and a clown. Not to mention about a dozen margarita snails.
Any thoughts? Suggestions? This is really becoming a nightmare. I don't want to start adding coral until I have this under control.
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