mardi 23 septembre 2014

Noah's Tank Specs

I Copied this format from brandtal. Hope you don’t mind! :worm:

These are my tank specs. I plan to continue updating the water specs each week when I test it.

Main Tank

• 48 x 13 x 24 inches – 55 gallons

• 60 lbs of live sand

• Not sure how many pounds of live rock

• Light system is about 6 inches above water level.

• No cover. Water level at bottom of black trim.

• Reef Octopus protein skimmer (not sure of the model)

• 4 power heads

Water Change

• 18-25% (10-15 gallons) every 2 weeks.

Water Specs – as of 9/20/2014

• Salinty 1.020

• Phosphates 0ppm

• PH 8.0

• Ammonia 0-.25ppm (has been going down since the move on 9/12/14

• Nitrite 0.0ppm

• Nitrates 40ppm

• Calcium 500 mg/L

• KH 161.1 ppm (9* dKH)

Inhabitants :fish:

• 1 black ocellaris clownfish, 1 firefish goby, 1 coral banded shrimp.

• 1 turbo snails (just lost one last night – 9-22-14)

• 3 hermit crabs

• unknown number of small starfish


• Purple and green hammer coral with about 20 heads

• 1 toadstool mushroom

• 1 type of polyp

• small and large sponges

• Purple coralline algae

• Red algae (not sure what type but it is from previous owner not doing a water change for 2 months)

• Orange Florida Ricordea mushroom coral

• Various blue and purple mushrooms

• Green montipora coral

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