mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Hello Reef Tank!

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your contributions to the forum. The past few months I've spent researching saltwater care have been invaluable thanks to your community!:blob:

I am Greg, and live with my wife Tessa. We're both engineering students, work part time, and have decided to take the plunge into the world of saltwater aquariums.

What originally started out as a CraigsList search for a small FW tank for our birthdays (we're very nearly the same age), turned into an opportunity to do something truly spectacular. Our current goal is to add a mandarin goby and a blue pacific tang in a few months (or more) once the tank is more stable and has enough pods.

We picked up a 130gal tank/stand and equipment from a fellow who was moving cross-country. It's certainly been an exciting month for us, watching the tank cycle, aquascaping, and our first additions. Currently we have 2 damsels, a conch, an ultra acan and a variable field of star polyps which are thriving, plus a large number of unidentified sponges, worms, starfish and bivalves from the (mostly aqua-cultured)LR. Given the tank size and very small bioload, we haven't encountered any issues with water quality since the initial cycle, but I'm sure the filtration still has a lot of growing to do before we add any larger fish. At the moment we're just going to let the polyps take over and watch things grow for the next few months before adding any more livestock.:fish:

I'm sure I'll be posting here periodically as things progress, and I hope to eventually be a contributing factor on this board, as my experience grows.

Again, thank you all, without your discussions, I wouldn't have started things off the right way, and so far our tank is progressing... swimmingly!

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