mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Have you ever tested your salt for Calcium?

I am using Instant Ocean and have for a while. I was having very low Ca for a while but it finally came up, way up. I was sitting at 360 ppm for a while then all of a sudden it went to 500 pmm +.

I was doing a lot of water changes as I had let my reef tank go for a while. I was also adding a minimum dose of C-Balance to get things back in shape. I have since stopped with the C-Balance and it is falling. Over a week it went from 500 to 475.

I decided to make a fresh 5 gallon bucket of water at 1.025. I then tested the Ca. 565 ppm. What the heck? That cant be normal. I mentioned the high Ca level to my guy at the LFS. He told me that Instant Ocean is not very consistent with its levels and sometimes this happens. He didnt sell me the salt by the way.

So should I try to take the salt back to where I bought it?

Would it be okay to use once my aquarium is back to consuming Ca at a good rate and this could be my way to supplement it?

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