dimanche 7 septembre 2014

First September '14 Sunday

Good morning TRT Faithful

60 degrees to start the day...Coffee of course, always fresh with a Kuerig.

Eggs, over easy soft bacon for George...texas toast, juices.....ought to help restore that lost energy from milking those 75 cows. [not anymore].

Today is another bee day...going to treat 4 hives with formic acid....it's in strips that are placed on top brood chambers....typically the bottom 2 or 3.

The laced strips evaporate the acid which kills the varroa mite. There is minor collateral loss of some brood and sometimes a few bees. But these mites are a killer of the whole hive...they are everywhere. In 7 days they won't be in our hives. The queens will stop laying soon, so new generations of mites won't be an issue.

That's a mid-morning project. Then....let's see...seed 30 bushel of winter rye or watch football. Hmmmmm, whadda ya think??

enjoy everyday

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