mardi 23 septembre 2014

Added a sump and now cloudy water

Hello I have a 26g bow front and has been going for about two months. I have been running a canister filter and has LR and LS in tank. I just added a 10g sump cause that's all I can fit under the tank and I tossed the filter media in the canister and moved my canister to my FW tank. In the 10G sump I am running a DYI 3/4 Pvc drain and a 300gph return pump. I have 3 baffles in the sump with 3 chambers. First chamber is a sock then a half bubble trap with course filter sponge in there and LR with LV in the ref with a piece of chateu algae. When I did this last night my display has been cloudy. is this normal? Will my tank cycle all over again? I have two clowns a gramma and a blenny with three pieces of coral. I really don't . want them going through a cycle. Thank any help would be great

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