mardi 1 juillet 2014

Vacation Contingency Planning

Hey Guys,

I'm heading out of town for the next week and am trying to figure out exactly what to do with my tank. I have a good friend/neighbor who is going to come in and feed but, given the recent storms we've had here in central IL, I'm a little concerned about prepping for a power outage.


I have a 29 gal FOWLR with a 10 gal sump about 6 months old.

I have a DIY PVC overflow that is a PITA (loud and temperamental with restarting the siphon). I've gotten so frustrated with the thing lately that I always drill from here on out. In the case of a power outage while I am gone, I give it a 50/50 chance of flooding when the return pump comes back on.

My current thought is to just disconnect the sump from the DT while I'm gone.

My aquaticlife 115 mini skimmer, filter sock, and heater are all in the sump. The skimmer is also so finicky that I haven't consistently collected any skinmate in a few months since I added the filter sock. I've been debating just ditching it since they aren't really necessary on a tank this size.

I keep my apartment at 78F, so the heater is turned off anyway.

Would disconnecting the sump from the display for the next week be an issue? All I would effectively losing is the mechanical filtration from the filter sock (which I won't be around to replace in a timely manner anyway). I could also add an extra powerhead to gain surface agitation since I will be losing aeration form the skimmer.

** I plan to switch some things up with the overflow sometime after I get back. Possibly just replacing the tank with a new, drilled one. You can expect another thread about that soon.

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