mardi 15 juillet 2014

Pistol shrimp emergency

Last night I probably heard my pistol shrimp snap about 100 times. Now since it was probably 12 at night, I didn't bother to check as I suspected he was snapping at nothing which he sometimes does. (Quite hilarious)

But when I awoke this morning, he was missing his pistol claw, and the smaller one as well, everything else was intact. Now I'm pretty sure that they will grow back but my main worry is that he will stress and die. He looked absolutely frantic, almost like he was searching for something that he had lost, literally running across the tank.

I'm so worried and nervous for the little guy. I've had him for about 2 months and the month before he molted. Im assuming something went wrong in the molt? Will my little guy make it?

P.s. My male and female YWG are protecting him very well, almost completely covering his burrow to make sure nothing goes in or out.

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