mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Need anemone help

So I just got my first anemone after doing tons of reading and deciding wich one fit my needs and tanks needs the best I decided to go with a long tenticle nem. So I got a real nice one at the lfs on Saturday nice foot no hanging mouth it was all around what appeared to b a good looking health nem so I bought it so I put it in my tank after the proper drip acclimation for about an hour and fourtyfive minutes or so... So I shut my power heads off and just had my return pump still going and place the anemone on the sand bed first so it could roam around and get used to the tank but instead of roaming around it just kinda fell on its side and blew around in the current so after about an hour of watching it do that I got frustrated and tried to put it on a rock as I read that they can attach to either the rock or the sand so up on the rock he went and blew over and behind my rock work so rather then keep sticking my hands in there stressing him out even more and more I decided to just let him b and give him a few days to see if he would move himself or attach where he was... So it's now day 4 and he still hasn't attached still hasn't moved so I just reached in and pulled him out from behind the rock work and placed him back out in the open with hopes that he would not b so trapped so to speak... So after all that my question is is this normal nem behavior or should I b worried like I said before I did my research before purchasing and everything in my tank fits the bill for him thanks for any help that can b given

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