mercredi 16 juillet 2014

ID of some rather strange things i dont know is good or bad

Hello Im on my first saltwater aquarium and its been going now for a week or so Finally nitrite levels are getting lower, only thing now is i have some rather strange inhabitants i really cant seem to find out what is if anyone can help me :-) 1st Picture i can maybe assume is a Peanut worm ?

When it comes to middle and the one to the right i am really really uncertain, the white thing is open and closed and seems like a small round nugget, but i did observe one of the worms sliding past it and then it closed itself so it is most certainly alive.

The worm to the right only seems to come out at night when its dark, really fast to pull itself inside its hole as soon as i turn the light on so it was lucky i managed to even get it on the picture..

Any help on these would be appreciated as i have visited all the hitchhiker pages i know of and not gotten any really good answer on what im dealing with:idea:

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