dimanche 27 juillet 2014

He keeping of a 1,000 gallon tank. Help?

For some reason, I really love Sturgeons, and I want to get one (or more). Um, LiveAauaria suggests 180 Gallons as a minimum tank size (for a fish that could potentially reach 4 feet), but I want to go HUGE and get a 1,000 gallon tank. Using the formula LxWxH/231 I calculated that a 5x5x6 block is around 1,000 gallons. :banana: and so I was thinkng of that size, with a 2' tall base underneath it where I put the filtration system. So I was thinking 2 sturgeons, and maybe a small-ish school of Silver Dollars, you know, small-ish meaning 30 fish. (Only 276 inches of full grown fish). I might also try some angelfish in there too. I think 10 would be a good number. (336 inches of fish) maybe a Chinese. Hi-Fin Banded Shark. (354 inches of full grown fish)

Sturgeon link: http://ift.tt/1upjnnL

Silver Dollar link: http://ift.tt/1xjdN2x

Chinese Hi-Fin Banded Shark link: http://ift.tt/1xjdN2z

Okay, so, what do to think? I recalculated and came up with a total of 1,122 gallons. Which basically means I would be using just over a third of how much fish can be put in there.

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