mercredi 2 juillet 2014


Hey guys so my tank has been crystal clear for almost 2 months now with only a hair algae problem. I bought some fish to deal with the hair algae but two days ago I woke up and found my tank to be extremely cloudy! It literally happened over night. I have tested all of my parameters and they are all spot on, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, 1.24 Salinity, 78 degree water. I have a 90gdp RO/DI unit coming but it wont be here for 8 days so if it is caused by my tap water than partial water changes will not help yet.

I have a protein skimmer running that is pulling out some nasty black sludge and 2 power heard constantly running one of which skims the top of the water to aerate it. The fish all seem perfectly fine but it is my anemone who I am worried about, he has constricted all of his tentacles and looks slightly brown. When I feed him dry krill he ate it very quickly and bloomed out for about an hour before withdrawing again. Yes I know my tank is way to young for an anemone but before this occurrence he looked extremely happy and my LFS convinced me as long as my parameters were good then I was OK to have one and I trust this store, its locally owned and this guy has never ever up-sold me on anything, sometimes even talking me out of buying something.

I heard it can be an algae bloom or a bacterial bloom but after researching for hours I gave up and decided to give it up to the experts, can anyone tell what happened from the picture.

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