dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Any tricks to cleaning tank with a CUC?

I recently added my first real CUC for my size tank. I had previously had a few snails and a few hermits, but now I just added the 70 gallon CUC with hermits from reefcleaners.org. There are very small snails and hermits everywhere, along with larger ones and spare empty shells.

So are there any tricks of the trade that will help me clean my tank (siphon sand, scrape glass, and scrub rocks) with all these little guys around. I don't want to lose any by sucking them up in the siphon, and I don't want to do anything that would hurt them by knocking them off the glass when i clean it.

Also should I remove snails from the overflow area? The larger ones really can't get into the overflow because of the Maggie Muffler I have, but not sure if they should be in there or not. There is algae in there so they are doing what they are supposed to, but I can easily scrub out the overflow of most algae and let the filter sock get it.

Just trying to find out what everyone else does about their CUC during maintenance?

Thanks Y'all

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