jeudi 22 mai 2014

TOO HOT!.. Suggestions??

Alright, my Coralife BioCube 29g setup is doing pretty well! Now summer is finally here in Chicago... And that brings the heat.. Biocube's are infamous for that issue and I was able to experience it first hand over the last week but yesterday was the worst and has me really concerned..

Equipment installed:

Main return pump = Coralife 265GPH

Jabeo WP10 Wavemaker

Hydor Slim Skim Nano Skimmer

RapidLED Retrofit

-House thermostat is set at 76 or cooler.

-Heater in tank is set at 76.

-Lights go on and my tank managed to get up to 83.5 last night. :-/

-I turned the light/tank fans on as soon as I seen it get to 80, it continued to rise.

-I opened the front and back lid portions which didn't help at all.

-Turned off lights all together at about 9pm. Left fans on and back lid open.

-Checked temp this morning and it was STILL at 81.5 even though my house temp was 75..

Options? Suggestions? I do NOT want to buy a huge chiller for this cube and I don't want to remove the hood all together.

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