mercredi 21 mai 2014

SPS Corals: The Next Step

To start, this thread was inspired by first looking at my sorry excuse for an SPS reef in my 90 gallon, and then looking at MINION's beautiful 90 gallon SPS dominant reef.

Some pictures for comparison.



So, to address this issue, I wanted to start a thread for the more advanced elements of SPS keeping. Beyond the basics of "enough light and flow" and simple montis. I understand all that. More challenging SPS corals like acros and millis, and the like. I want to start a place of reference for those of us who have SPS frags, but would like to get them to thrive! I'd love to hear from guys like MINION and hotdogg and others with heavily stocked SPS tanks. (Sorry for others I have left out, these were the first two to come to mind :D).

My first question to kick off discussion is: how do you get better polyp extension? My ORA Monti has great PE, but the rest of my frags lack in this department. IMO, SPS corals with amazing PE are the best corals you can have.

Oh, and remember :needpics:

A few of mine:

Pavona and Staghorn

Acro and Monti Frags

Monti Cap and Pocillopora

PS: Minion, I hope you don't mind me using your pics as an example, I'll take them down if you want.

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