jeudi 1 mai 2014

Planning for a frag tank

After a few years in the hobby and two successful tanks later I am feeling pretty confident in my abilities as a reef geek. I'm starting to think about the future with my 150g. I'm a big fan of frags as opposed to buying whole colonies of coral. Not just for the price either. I think it's cool to be able to say I grew all the corals in my tank.

I was thinking about starting a frag tank a little on down the road as some of my corals start to grow and need to be trimmed. I was thinking about just getting a 10gal aquarium putting a few pieces of live rock in there and the rest egg crate to hold frag plugs. Obviously I would have a power head in there with a decent T5 light on top.

Does this sound like a good way to go? What does everyone else do? To be honest I don't know what I would do with the frags afterwards. Try to sell them or trade them I guess....

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