mardi 27 mai 2014

New Tank Advice

Hi all! Brand new here and brand new to saltwater altogether. My dad had saltwater tanks for years, but he passed away a little over a year ago. His advice would be invaluable about now but I'm hoping to find some help here. :)

I have a 55 gallon with about 30 lbs of live rock, 40 lbs of dry rock and 60 lbs of live sand. The equipment was my dads so I can't give specifics (sorry!) but it worked for him so I'm assuming it'll work for me. Large filter, two powerheads. He also had a protein skimmer, but I haven't hooked it up - honestly just looking at it intimidates me. I've heard macro algae can do the same job. True? Not true?

My main question is about stocking and preparing for it. I'm mainly interested in gobies, blennies (and dragonets but that's way, WAY down the line), shrimp, crabs. Mainly things that scurry around the bottom and on the rocks. I want a VERY peaceful tank. Dad also had a large cichlid tank and watching them constantly bicker and pick at each other always stressed me out. Anything you recommend or think I should steer clear of? Who should go in first?

Also, I know these guys like to pick at rock, sift through sand, etc. Would it be good to do any extra prep for them? Sorry if any of these are stupid questions... Thanks for any help you can give!

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