samedi 24 mai 2014

Nano Tank infection - 3 gallon

[/B]Hello, my name is Robert.

Im a somewhat new reefer, as I haven't had a tank in 4 years (:read: too long) haha.

Woke up one day a little stressed out :idea: and decided to start my nano.

Ive had reef tanks in the past (72 gal bow front & 10 gal cube) but while moving, I had to break them down and find good homes for my fish.

I had them running for 2 1/2 years each before dismantling them.

I thought I would come on here and show you what I have set up & any input or comments you all could share with me. I know this tank is too small for multiple fish, or any for that matter.

What turned me on to trying out such a small tank was my local reef store (The Reef Keeper) and ever since I started reefing (6years ago) the tank has been running great (3gal tank- 7 years old) for all these years. Im sure ill encounter some problems here or there but I welcome the challenge. I will be adding another LED light strip for the back of the tank. Hope you guys like it.

After all that said, here are some pictures for you to see. Let me know what you think & if im wrong for trying this out. :lol:

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Tank is 4 days old, still cycling.

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Do i need more light for the back of the tank?

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Feel like i left good room for a fish to swing in the front, along with great space for shelter, crevasses for hiding and swimming.

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Thanks for looking!

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