mardi 27 mai 2014

Chromis bullying chalk bass - what to do?

Hey all.

I recently added a blue-green chromis to my 75G. Other inhabitants include an ocellaris, a royal gramma, a Kole tang, a yellowtail damsel and a chalk bass.

Well, the chromis has taken to chasing my chalk bass and forcing him into his hiding spot under the rocks.

I have tried keeping the lights off, but that hasn't really stopped the chromis from doing his thing.

He tried going at my damsel, but the damsel had none of it and fought him off.

So, what are some ways I can solve this problem? Should I add more chromis so the aggression is directed between them rather than my chalk bass? Should I add more chalk bass to make my current chalkie feel more comfortable?

I know chromis can shoal, but I've also heard you're taking a chance of there being some aggression between them.

I've also heard chalk bass can shoal without much of a problem.

Also, rearranging the rock in the tank doesn't seem to be a solution, as this isn't a matter of territory. The chromis is basically just chasing the chalkie whenever he sees him out in the open.

Any advice here?

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