mardi 27 mai 2014

Canister Filter

I have been reading information regarding canister filters in marine tanks and most of it screams nitrate factory. Now, i'm here because i'm a little confused and have few questions.

Firstly, my tank is about 20g sumpless with an HOB filter and protein skimmer. I know having a sump offers a lot of benefit but im sumpless for spatial reasons. I really want the minimalist look of a reeftank so i only have a few liverock and about 2inches of sandbed. I have a canister filter lying around and i want to make use of it. I was thinking of putting liverock in it for additional liverock mass that could aid in biological filtration.

I think my tank has relatively low biological load having only a pair of clowns, pistol and goby pair, and harlequin shrimp pair.

I just really want to utilise the canister filter.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you for any inputs.

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