mardi 6 mars 2018

Hate being a noob... First post, starting 75 gallon FOWLR

I hate being a noob at anything, but with this hobby I don't want to mess it up.

I currently have a 75 gallon tank starting a cycle, and I've nothing to do with it except some water changes and waiting... so of course I want to jump into what critters to put in.

First the set up, as I'm sure it matters a LOT:
- 75 Gallon Tank (Marineland 75 gallon, 48x18x20)
- Reef Octopus Classic 90 HOB
- AquaClear 70
- Koralia Nano 425 Pump
- 80 lbs LS
- 70 lbs 50/50 mixed live and base rock

no sump

Cleanup crew was 'designed' by Reef Cleaners

60 Dwarf Ceriths
18 Nassarius vibex
28 Florida Ceriths
22 Nerites
1 Chaeto

Ok... finally fish load was developed looking at AqAdvisor Intelligence Saltwater Advisor

2x Ocellaris Clownfish
3x Yellow Tail Damsel
2x Flame Angelfish
1x Yellow Watchman Goby
1x Red Spotted Hawkfish

That brought the suggested load to about 80% so I'd like to add 1 more 'show piece' type fish... suggestions welcome.

I don't want to overload the tank, and I don't want to pick fish that are too difficult (the list I chose from were based on 'good beginner fish' posts and websites I've seen), and the qty's I've put in are based on recommendations from either AqAdvisor and/or websites about pairing or minimums or 'solo'

I'm not looking to 'rush' the introduction nor the tank (though it is hard waiting), I assume this will take at least 6 months to get all the fish safely in the tank (4-6 weeks for good cycle, add CUC, add 1 species per month there after).

Final item, some of the fish listed say it requires a 'tight lid' but so many posts here say keep an open top... not sure how to reconcile those two things... any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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