samedi 24 mars 2018

livestock for new large tank

I have a list of some fish I am considering for my 210 build. Right now I have two clowns and a coral beauty as well as a small diamond goby. this list is just something I was thinking about and of course im not adding them at the same time and that sort of thing..Im interested if you have experience with some or see issues..they are in no real order just love to hear feedback or experiences

Yellow watchman and randalli pistol shrimp-
blue dot jawfish or tiger jawfish
Mandarin goby (once i establish some pod population)
starry blennie or lawnmower blennie
royal gramma
maybe some green chromis 3 to 5
yellow clown goby- thanks chiwing!
red or purple firefish
maybe..and i mean maybe..a blue jaw trigger
maybe a naso tang love them..
perhaps some anthias..recommendations?
one kupang damsel..maybe..sometimes they do ok in big tanks dont they?add near last..
mcoskers or maybe mystery wrasse ...would love recommendations so many wrasse to chose from..hard to tell the prettiest from pics

I know the coral beauty is sketchy with corals..I am new and only have one coral in my 55 long tentacle plate coral..but i plan to get into some lps softies and zoas n such..

there is one fish i really wanted but coudnt get in the 55 as i got the coral beauty as a replacement credit free for a clown when i first got them..since i had the coral beauty I couldnt get a bi color i really love and i know they are sketchy on reefs but with a large tank im thinking he could make it with the coral beauty it sucks not to try..I have seen a lot of these in reef tanks online that do ok.. the ones i know i want for sure are

goby and pistol
bi color angel ( talk me out of it..but i really love these..i wouldnt add any other angels and even willing to take them back to the store if there is a told definitely not and oh you can risk it and see..sometimes they do fine..i notice the coral beauty nips at snails with coraline on them..could it be sometimes they are just nipping for algae on corals and people think they are munching...I dunno

im very interested in a trigger like blue jaw..or niger..if its not going to slaughter larger shrimp or like the smaller fish..I could care less if it ate a snail here and there..give me the to hear form people on these things..and these are just some im thinkn about and really want..

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