mercredi 28 mars 2018

Tank Cycled, first fish coming (hopefully), what's next?

So, I've decided I need to budget for this hobby. I can see spending a LOT of money, frequently... so instead of just spending as I feel like it, I want to plan out 'what's next'

I plan on buying 1 species of fish for the next 6 months or so, and slowly adding.

I know I need a CUC once I start to see things in the tank.

so fish, basics are handled.

What should I do next? Is an RO station set up next, or should I look at Auto Topoff...

Reminder I can't drill my tank (as it is tempered), and I don't currently have a sump/refugium; I wasn't planning on adding one but I might if it is required.

What do you recommend for 'next' ... if you have a good link/DIY video, etc that would also be awesome.

From that I'll set a budget, and timeline and start going crazy... i mean really making a nice tank

NOTE: At some point I might do corals, but i don't want to deal with the lighting requirements or learning about fish and corals at the same time, so I'll wait for my NEXT TANK for coral considerations

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