samedi 24 mars 2018

Livestock questions..weigh in

Does anyone with experience have some insight about "reef safe triggerfish" I know this is controversial..interestingly I see a couple of online fish sellers have a little conflicting information..I realize of course that "reef safe" is kind of..well you get the idea..I noticed one place says the niger trigger is the only one that you can put in a reef tank ( for the record I wouldnt care about one eating a couple of snails..but large ornamental shrimp if it was the norm because I like to have them..just one place I have seen says that...I had always heard that the crosshatch and blue throat are the ones you can get away with in a reef tank ..then i have seen videos backing that up a lot..I dont think they are going to much coral so much but wouldnt want them killing all shrimp snails and like clownfish or something..would love to hear from those who may have tried this..and yes i know you can get one thats a bit more or less of a ******* talking generality..getting a small one...yknow would love to hear everyones thoughts ..I thought a niger trigger was a def nono in reef tanks..

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