mardi 27 mars 2018

Frogfish husbandry Qs

I'm a grad student and I plan on having live frogfishes in the lab for my research.
I have a few questions about their husbandry.
1) Can multiple frogfishes live in the same tank together (20 gallon tanks, with a few 40 & 50 gallon tanks available)? I plan to get 4-5 inch frogfish.
2) I've seen 70-76 F listed as the ideal water temperature. Is this correct?
3) What is the ideal substrate for the frogfishes?
4) Are 20 gal tanks too small? Should I get bigger tanks?

I have a ton of questions and I'm a newbie (with a solid fishcare tech in the lab who has successfully maintained two 150 gal tanks with remoras for the past few years) so I can use all the info I can get!


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