vendredi 16 mars 2018

Friday, no pancakes

Gsood mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Anything but pancakes or waffles today. Please. ;) So...scrambled eggs with cheese sandwiches, and a fresh fruit cup.

Mark - Very sorry to hear about your brother. I hope that he and your family will get the support you need. My mother also had Alzheimer's.

Hack - how is Jen with her healing process?

Pancake fundraisers are exhausting! I had to leave the supper shift early due to a conference call with the SC Civitan District Governer and other club presidents. I'll get in touch with others to see how things turned out. When I left, they were running behind on getting pancakes made for the crowd. Tempers get thin about that time.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

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