lundi 26 mars 2018

Clown fish being murdered

Hello. I am new to the hobby and have a 200 little tank set up for about 5 months

I had 4 clown fish which have all died. On inspecting the bodies all of their fins are chewed up. The last one I found today was still alive but badly bitten and dies within 10 minutes.

I had a small snowflake moray eel who I removed a couple of weeks ago thinking he was the culprit but more fish are being attacked.

Other fish I have are:
Peacock wrasse
Yellow wrasse
Fire fish
Cardinal fish
Scooter blenny
Orange stripped goby
2 small chromis
Valentini puffer

I also had a large fire shrimp who has been killed. It seems like it is only the clowns that have been targeted as well as the fire shrimp.

Who do you think is the culprit and any advice on what to do

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