mardi 23 janvier 2018

Snowflake eel hasen't eaten in 3 Months...

looking for advice/other peoples experiences. I picked up the eel from a guy when he was about 3 years old and I have had him for 2 years. he is 24" long and had always been a voracious eater, I would feed a few times a week with a mixed diet of silverside, shrimp, clams etc. he has not eaten for short periods before but nothing like this, I have tried fresh mussels and nothing, tried feeding at all periods of the day or night, get the food right up to him and he sinks back into his cave. he still looks good, has not lost any size that i can see. I did add a Harlequin tusk and Rabbit fish to existing tank mates of a Flame angel and Clown but everyone gets along with no issues. not to sure what to do here...

120 gal
10 ppm nitrate
1300 Mag
Alk 8
PH 8.2

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