lundi 29 janvier 2018

Fish stocking for a reef? Need a showstopper.

Hi all,
I have an under stocked 220 gallon. Originally the plan was for a FOWLR tank, then I started liking the inverts, then I started looking at corals... lol. So the tank has been running for a couple years with live rock and about a dozen or so fish plus some snails/hermits/shrimp +/- a fighting conch and a sand sifter star (if they are still in there, I never see them). I was given some hand down coral frags of a duncan and some pulsing xenia which got me interested in corals. I have about 100 other coral questions but for this particular thread, Im wondering about fish.

Originally I planned on a large angel or 2 as being the prizes of my tank, but with the addition of corals and a future nem, apparently I need a new direction? What large fish can I add to the tank? It will be a mixed reef with "easy" corals like toadstool leathers, xenia, birds nest, montipora etc but I still want fish to be prevalent, esp if I fail with the corals.
What are some big friendly bright fish I can add w those corals and my inverts? Also I like the choc chip starfish... are those out with corals? Thank you!

The tank is 6ft long x 30 tall x 24 wide
current stock: 2 carberyi anthias, 2 firefish gobies, sailfin blenny, pearlscale butterfly, flame angel, 2 bangaii cardinals, 1 pj cardinal, 2 clowns, 4 chromis, and a royal gramma.
1 cleaner and 1 coral banded shrimp

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