mercredi 31 janvier 2018

Final cycling with shrimp

I have used a shrimp to cycle my tank, the tank was set up on the 1st Jan and the shrimp added on the 10th. The tank, 13 gallon nano, was set up with 7kgs of live rock. The ammonia level went high as did the nitrates, followed a week later by 0 ammonia, low nitrites and 0 nitrates, now I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and high nitrates. I have not changed any water or run the skimmer during this time.
Am I right in thinking that the cycle is nearly complete and I should perform a 50% water change, PH and KH at present have fallen to 7.8 and 8.0 respectively. Should I also now take out the shrimp remains (in a nylon stocking) and turn on the skimmer, add activated carbon filter, light clean the tank and after checking parameters again add some clean up crew.
Thank you for your advice

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