mercredi 31 janvier 2018


So I figured out what I have for clowns I have an ora clownfish, a clarkii, and a true percula(I am pretty sure that is what it is) unfortunately the percula has been very aggressive to the clarkii and the ora clown, I contacted my lfs about it and he said he was willing to trade the three fish for 2-3" tomato clown pair, my clowns are only about 1.5" I want the bigger clowns but I don't really like the look of the tomato clowns. If I had to choose one to keep I would keep the ora. So the question is should I get the tomato clowns or keep the ora clown and get another for trade for my other two clowns(the clarkii and true percula) I also have kind of grown attached to the ora clown and the clarkii so I am at a loss on what to do. Because in the long run I would want the same species right? That is what everyone has said so far

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