dimanche 28 janvier 2018

Small white cloud on a Trigger fish’s eye

Hello everyone,

I bought a Pink Tailed Triggerfish yesterday and introduced him with the drip method over about an hour or so and let him in the tank. When he got in the tank I noticed a small white cloud on one of his eyes and it almost looks like a piece of Mysis shrimp stuck to his eye, probably the best way to describe it. My ammonia was 0 when adding him in and has since gone up very slightly and my nitrite has stayed at 0, SG: 1.026 and temperature of 25°C.

A link to a video I made of him just now with the white cloud on his eye: https://youtu.be/Sg7zwBqaJYY

He’s eating and seems okay but I’m not really sure what it is and whether or not I should be worried about it... thanks for your help!

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