lundi 22 janvier 2018

Another Monday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends this *orning and welcome to a new week.....HAPPY ONDAY! Upper 50's and cloudy, and to*orrow....THUNDERSTOR*S/RAIN! Welco*e to January. How about so*e Dippy eggs and toast with bacon to go with our *orning coffee? Let's see.....Nolyn our Black Lab is getting picked up around noon......our 2 new baby sitting dogs' parents are doing better, but still no ti*e line for their dogs to be going ho*e, still at least a couple weeks, so that brings us back to, uhhhhh, mmmmmm, 4. *ay be heading over to the creek this afternoon, but will see if the winds pick up or not. Hope all have the best of days lined up,

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