jeudi 25 janvier 2018

in regards to 3 day blackouts

so i decided to do a 3 day blackout on my tank. my question is feeding the fish. So i peeked into my tank with a flashlight and seen my yellow tang just hiding in the corner. How do you feed the fish? I feel terrible doing this in the first place and its only day one lol. The rest of the fish are all hiding under the rocks. how will they find the food? i think my pumps will just put the food in the filter socks and just add nutrients to the water.

second question. i tried to "search" this and there are over 1k post. I looked up "3 day blackout" yet I only got 13 hits. Im sure there are plenty more than that. also tried to look up "Marine Pure" under reviews and got zero hits. this has been out over a year and has great reviews. why cant i find any reviews in TRT? am i doing something wrong while searching?

Thanks for the help

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