vendredi 19 janvier 2018

Bitter old clown

Hey all!

I currently have a 40 gal. breeder that pretty lightly stocked, ~5 nassarius snails, a few astreas, 1 chalk bass, and 1 angry ocellaris clown. I've been working to improve my tank over the past few months including adding a 20g sump/fuge, seeding pods, etc.

My hopes are to start with some soft corals, improve my CuC and expand my livestock (thinking a diamond goby, maybe a mandarin if i can get my pods growing like crazy, and possibly a few chromis).

Thinking about getting the cuc started pretty soon and would like to get the diamond goby as well, my questions are...

-Is it even smart to ad ANYTHING with the clown running around like she owns the place (bites my hand, attacks the siphon during water changes, etc.)? If no then what is the solution? She's been with my about 6 years.

-How much do pods populate live sand? Could it become an additional food source for the diamond goby? Would the goby and a mandarin be competing for pods?

-Will the clown bother a new cuc?

-Why do clowns have to be so beautiful, but become so territorial? :(

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