samedi 12 août 2017

one space left in sump, chaeto refuge, ats, or plenum?

i have an extra shelf that i built into my stand that can support a 10 gallon tank that will gravity feed into my sump with skimmer and other equipment. the goal here is nitrate reduction. hopefully to the point of where carbon dosing won't be needed anymore. (the looks i get asking people to get my tank drunk when im on vacation)

i have a couple of options but which do you think would be the best at long term nitrate, possibly even phosphate control. an algae driven system such as a chaeto refuge or ats? or a bacterial driven system such as a plenum capped with 2-3" sand or possibly even a remote DSB. the algae route is easy enough as i already retrofit a reflector to house a CFL right above the section im using.

thoughts? anyone currently using a remote plenum?

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