mardi 7 février 2017

Zoa won't fully open

So I put my first piece of coral in my tank after it cycled for a month and all my levels spiked and came back down and I did a wc. The first day it opened up completely within an hour but ever since then it hasn't been that open. None of the polyps are completely closed they are all just like halfway opened if that makes sense. I tested and everything looked fine
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Phosphate 0
Dkh 13
Calcium 380 (ik that's low I've been dosing to get it up)
pH 8.4
Salinity 1.024
The only thing I can think of is there might be some pests or something on it so I'm going out to get a coral dip

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