dimanche 19 février 2017

Diatoms are driving me crazy!!!

I finally have my ideal tank. I went with a 40 gallon Innovative marine so that I could afford to buy all the fancy stuff.

My tank is very stable and one year old. Salinity 1.025, pH 8.0, nitrates 5ppm, nitrites 0, ammonia 0, Ca 450, mag 1600, alk 10, temperature 77

I run a skimmer and 2 reactors: one with bio pellets other with gfo and carbon. The gfo and carbon are separated and i use a small amount and chsnge weekly. 1 tbs gfo, 2tbs carbon.

I have ZERO algae issues and only need to clean the glass every 5 days. 4 months ago I started getting diatoms on sand. If i dont disturb the sand in 3 days i have the brown layer almost 100% on sand. They are only there when lights are on and when lights off its 100% clean.

I use RO/DI from a BRS filter and lighting is a zetlight 90w LED mounted 18 inches above tank at 100% blue and UV and 80% 12k

I tried the instant yeast, no results. Obviously its a silicate problem. But from where? I feed flake 3 times a week and mysis 2 times a week

Help my sanity please!

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