mardi 28 février 2017

New Alligator Pipefish

Just thought I'd share some pics of my new alligator pipefish. After the old tank cracked and I got the new one, I've been wanting to try something new. Saw this guy (I'm fairly certain it's a male) at the store this week and fell in love.

He's a very aggressive feeder (for a pipefish that is). He ate mysis with gusto from the get go - I wouldn't have bought him otherwise. He was in a pair but the female showed no interest in mysis and was a bit skinnier. I might go back this week to see if she has started eating or not.

The tank is all soft coral with plenty of gorgonians. He seems to appreciate this since he's actually a pipehorse and will wrap his tail around things to relax. Only issue I've had is that he doesn't do well with strong flow, so I'm running just one pump until I can figure out how to position the others so he doesn't get pushed around.

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Is it ok to run only two bulbs in a 4x54 watt ho t5

Ok so I'm having an algae issue in my tank. My nitrates and phosphates got a little higher that optimal. ive been working on getting them down with water changes (new rodi system) and running phosphate remover. Well it's taken longer than expected and I'm try to slow the algae growth. I've cut the ho t5 lighting to only 5hrs a day but I think I'm still getting to much light right now. Can I run my 4x54 ho t5 with only two bulbs in it? Will it over load the other bulbs or will it burn a ballist out? I do know it a single ballist that runs all 4 bulbs. It's a sunblaze fixture. Bulbs are two months old.

Cloudy tank woes?

Bah, my fault, but I'm not sure what to do to fix it.

Okay: Had a 6 month old (ish?) 20 long barebottom tank, below a window, didn't get much light for the tree outside, so I figured it wouldn't do anything negative. Had. . . 5-6# of rock? Not sure, I got it a few pieces here or there, most was live, a couple pieces were dry, and I can't tell those from the other pieces now since they've gone brown as the rest of it. With a firefish, gramma, a little native blenny, and a rainford's goby. Was doing well. About two months ago, one of the LFS I like gave me a native pipefish that came in with their shrimp, and would likely have starved or gone off as a feeder fish. Well, I didn't have the pods for it, and a mix-up with my order at my usual LFS left me without them long enough that he starved anyway (poor guy :( ) Came home to see him being eaten by my rock flower, and since he was mostly gone, I just let the 'nem have him. About a week later, my water started to get cloudy. Figured it was ammonia from the pipefish, started doing more water changes. About five gallons a week versus every other with ten every third or so.

Tank didn't get any less cloudy, was that way for about a month. I couldn't see more than a few inches into it, none of the fish seemed very stressed, nor did any of the coral, the snails were/are doing fine. I added a few more pounds of rock from Petco since they had had it in their system for MONTHS, and had a lot on clearance, also added some chaeto, and pulled out the little castle decoration that I had in the tank for the blenny to hide in, since I wasn't always getting all of the gunk out of it in water changes.

Saturday I finally broke down, put my old 29 gallon biocube back up, did a 150-ish% water change, and put my rock, coral, and three of my fish (rainford's, gramma, firefish-blenny went back to the LFS since I never saw her) into the cube with all new water. The only old water that went in was whatever didn't drip off of the rocks/chaeto when I tossed it all into the cube. Rinsed off the rocks in old tank water (which was brownish, if that helps at all?) I also bought a fluval sea mini, though I haven't figured out the settings to get it up out of the water enough, so it's currently not running.

Tank is currently 29 gallons barebottom with the powerhead that came with it, a nano korelia, a nano tunze, 8-10# of rock? a rainford's goby, firefish, royal gramma, a half dozen ceriths, a couple of astreas, some chaeto in the back, randomly assorted corals (oh geez, probably a dozen frag size pieces and a plume gorgonian that's about 6-8" tall?) and my rock flower. The only corals which seem to being doing poorly are my monti cap, which is a bit pale/browning, not rotting, and a little gold hammer coral which has NEVER opened properly. The green one I've got opens, though it is a bit wimpy looking. I WAS planning to get a third to see if it was just those two (bargain rack corals) or if it is something in my tank that hammers just don't like, but since the tank has been off, I figured I shouldn't try. Also, the little hammer has a hitchhiking clam of some sort or another which seems to be fine-opens and closes on its own, isn't touching the lip of the coral to aggravate it.

Tank is getting cloudy again. *sighs* Right now I can see about halfway back, though I can also see the black of the background. Fish still seem to not be bothered. Other than the hammers and the monti cap none of the corals seem to be bothered by it, and the hammers at least were not caused by the cloudy water, the cap I'm not sure if it is because of water quality, or because of limited light. The LPS are extending feeders as well/better than ever, and even my bargain bin lobo has started to recently, though I'd never seen it doing so before. API liquid kits say there's no ammonia/nitrite/nitrate in the water (mine and the LFS's), though if it's bacteria, there's the chance that it's using up all of it before it can register. I don't use supplements, so I doubt it's that I screwed up with calcium, and my new water is IO ~1.025 spg according to my refractometer(which reads 0 with RO/DI), and came from the LFS, which stores it in barrels, so I don't THINK it's that? I've got less bioload in the tank and more rock than when it was doing well before, and since I rinsed it before I put it in, I'd assume that it's not that something has died in there and was just stuck in the rockwork? Heck, I haven't even FED the tank in about three weeks.

Any ideas?

Aggresive Clowns??

Hey everyone

I'm looking for some advice for my marine fish only tank. My tank is a 37 inch bow front tank with plenty of hiding spaces through rock and artificial plants. I currently have 2 clown fish in the tank and have tried to add others but they never seem to survive. I have my water tested frequently and do my regular water changes so I have kind of ruled out water quality being the problem. I do however find that any time I bring home new fish they go under the rocks and never come out to eat or anything and I find them dead a few days later. Would it be a possibility that the clowns are keeping the other fish in hiding and if so what would be a good solution. Would it help to section off a small part of the tank for the clowns and allow new fish to get established in the rest of the tank before letting the clowns back in or will I run into the same problem and need to simply get rid of the clowns?

Any help would be really appreciated with this!

Seeking Aquarium Expert to Help Design and Architect an Automated Fish Room

Who we are:
We are an innovation company that does everything different (and usually better)… We’re not afraid to admit we are not experts in setting up automated aquarium systems so we here looking for someone to help us do this better, and faster!

What we am looking for:
I am looking for a reef aquarium expert with experience designing and setting-up automated, reliable and redundant fish rooms that can help us architect a simple and automated fish room.

1) We need the system designed and architected (Diagram, etc..)
2) We would love for someone to set it up and install it (Not a requirement)

Work Location: 
Can work from anywhere with the design work, but if you can help install it, we are in Detroit, Michigan.

System Components:
  • Be able to automate, control and monitor everything from anywhere (we already own a Neptune APEX Controller and about every component you can purchase)
  • Redundancy is a must
  • Be able to measure and report on what is happening (Neptune should have this)
  • Auto Water Changes
  • Automated Auto Top of RO/DI Water Reservoir
  • Automated Salt Mixing Reservoir
  • Automated Feeding for when out of town
  • Camera System to view the tank
  • Wave Machine
  • LED Lighting
  • Filtration System
  • Heating
  • SpectraPure MaxCap RODI 180 GPD w/ Automatic Flushing
  • Etc…

  • Automated
  • Simple
  • Redundant
  • Open and Flexible
  • Reliable / Trusted
  • Proven
  • Stunning Layout / Design
  • Documented and Labeled
  • Simply - do the right thing

If you're up for the challenge please message me so we can exchange additional information and details.


Rochelle R.

P.S. If this works out well on the first project we would have several more projects available (we own multiple setups at multiple locations). Willing to pay for expert, knowledgeable service, and will consider flying the right person out to our location to help set it up right.

Help with Torch Coral


My torch coral is in trouble. I lost one head completely a few weeks back - just disappeared until only skeleton was left. I cut that head off and now I have one head that is not extending as far as the other two and is much lighter in color?

Tank/Water parameters are :
250 Liter's
pH - 8.1
Temp - 79
Amm - 0
Nitrate - 5
Phosphate - <0.03
Calcium - 375 ppm
Magnesium - 1345
Alk - 9 dKH
Salin - 1.025

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Captain - she's breaking up !

My tank started leaking 2 weeks ago and I started a 185G build

Just checked this morning and the leak has quadrupled and now there is a beed of water all the way down my rim.

New tank has been cleaned but I haven't done much else.

Need to rip up carpet where tank is going, put down vinyl flooring square, reenforce old stand, install tank, and plumb it up. Wife gone until 7:30 tonight. Lets see what I can do.

Pic updates as day goes on.

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Tuesday, yeah.

Good morning TRT Faithful
Coffee....come & get it.

Enjoy everyday

lundi 27 février 2017

How many fish for 120 gallon

I'm started a fish tank 4 months ago and currently have for damsels and 1 sifter goby. I'm planning on getting more fish, but wondered how many can I get my list is
1 Jackknife Fish
1 redhawk fidh
1 sifter goby
1 mandarin goby
1 coral angelfish
1 Flame angelfish
4 damsel
1 bicolor foxface
1 Pearlscale Butterflyfish
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 dwarf lionfish
Can I fit all them? If not which fish can I get. I do want as many as possible, but don't want fish to stress

tiger cucumber hurt

I am new with cucumbers. This being my first set and one happened to wrap itself around a clam. Not good three gashes in its skin. Though it is still moving and thankfully didnt poison my tank. I hope!! I was wondering the best course of action. I did remove it from my active coral tank along with the clam just in case. I put it in a closed system. The tank it is now in is an existing tank just shut down for rescaping put some backpack filters and a fan on it for movement. Any thoughts?

Refractometer vs Hydrometer

I've been using a Hydrometer by Instant Ocean, it has been reading my aquarium at 1.025 for 2 weeks. Today i bought a refractometer by Red Sea and after calibrating I tried it and it gave me a reading of 1.029 !! So then I again tried my hydrometer and it again said 1.025. So I took the Refrac and tried it twice on DI water, went to 0. I then tried it on a diffferent bottle of DI water and again gave me 0. Then back to my tank and 1.029. So it leads me to believe it must be correct? Are Hydrometers really that bad?


Hi everyone, brand new to saltwater tanks. I just have a 54 gal with corner stand and am curious as to the type of water to start out with. I live in town in Pa so water has crap in it. I was told by my local petsmart I could use it but had to put in quick start chemical and let sit with the live sand and run canister filter (it's for a 100 gal tank, they said go a size bigger) for 3-4 days. Then add live rock. One month later add corals, another month crustaceans and another month small fish and then larger fish. What do you all of you think?

Seeking Fish

Seeking a couple of fish, would be nice to get from same supplier to save freight...

Looking for a Multibar Angel (preferably from the Marshall Islands) and a blue spotted jawfish.

If anyone has any recommendations it would be greatly appreciated.

I know bare bottom can look 'fine' but does anyone have pics where it looks good?

I'm feverishly researching for my 185G build (Thread Here) and am/was planning a faux sand bed.

However, pretty much all the pictures of good looking tanks I find online have substrate. Almost all the youtube videos of good looking tanks have substrate.

Most of the time I read posts discussing how BB can look "alright" after it covers with coralline algae or is loaded with frags. But no one says it looks good. Same with my current faux bottom - It looks fine but doesn't hold a candle to nice white sand.

Most of us aren't keeping tanks for chemistry sake, or running a fish store, or just frag tanks. Primarily we want the tank to LOOK good.

Set me straight TRT..... I need some pics of good looking BB or faux bottom tanks, or be convinced that the benefits outweigh the aesthetics. I'd hate to quit on it now especially since 'faux sand bed' is in my build thread title!

Trigger Systems: EARN 10x REWARDS!

Trigger Systems: EARN 10x REWARDS!

Earn 10x rewards on any Trigger Systems purchase for a limited time!

Help on adding a sump to existing tank?

ANY ADVICE is welcomed!

Has anybody ever done this?

I have a 55Gal established tank that has never ran a sump of any kind. Always used HOB skimmers/filters/heaters.

I want to drill my tank with Animal bean setup. I know the process of doing it. BUT has anyone ever done it with an established tank. How long do I have to work on the project? Best way to keep my fish/CuC/Corals alive?

My current thought process is:

1) Build Stand to house the Sump
2) Build the Sump
3) Pre-plan plumbing from the sump up to the tank
4) Take all creatures from display tank and place in a 30 Gal Brute trash can with a power head and heater
5) Place all LR in another Brute with power head.
6) Drill tank then plumb it
7) Run a test for leaks for a few hours with freshwater outside on patio
8) Take everything inside and aqua-scape/re-introduce tank mates.

Reserve your Flow Monitoring Kit today!

Reserve your Flow Monitoring Kit today!

Start monitoring flow in your aquarium with Neptune Systems FMK!

My 120 progress

I thought I'd make a post here so I can post my progress.

My equipment:

120 gallon marineland tank with a glass canopy lid

aquatop cf500 (trying to decide if I want to keep this with the sump?)

2 hydor heaters 400 & 200 w

Aqueon led light (its okay for looking into the tank, saving up for something better!)

5 bags of live sand and a bunch of live rock

Equipment I'm waiting on (in the mail!):

EShopps 3rd Gen Sump RS-200

Eshopps Snow Cone Skimmer S-200

Buncha tubing, pumps and overflow

My cycle peaked a day ago and is slowly going down, been testing Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate every other day. Been going for a little over 2 weeks now.

Currently, getting the aquascape down to what we want, here are some pictures, ignore the husband in them(I may have created a saltwater monster he cant stop talking about already getting a bigger tank and this is our first one!)

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Chilli *onday

What' no *onday thread yet?

*orning TRT...when you awake...chilli in Cheesland at 22, but a high of 47 later today.

*Y wife had a Palachinka *aking part yesterdey at 3pm...while I watch SIX episodes on our DVR.

Got a lot done this weekend as well...water change, Kitchen lights, suit case out for our trip, and picked up some new corals. Still gotta install the Spectrapure auto shut off and re-calibrate the PH probe.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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What's a good photo-period for your fuge

I've been recounting my experience with some macro's in my display refugium and i'm not sure if my photo-period was enough. Any thoughts........

I have led's for the fuge Maxspect 10 k .

Happy birthday to dobejazz on 2/27!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing......


dimanche 26 février 2017

Help injured fish

Hi, I just added a coral beauty to my 29g biocube. I noticed that my coral banded shrimp was picking at him, and this is unusual because he's a nice shrimp and doesn't bother my other fish (I know they can be aggressive tho) about an hour later, a chunk of the C beautys side was torn off. I caught the coral banded shrimp and nowas he's in a container. Im going to exchange him for a skunk shrimp tommorow. But, will my fish be OK? He seems really active and healthy, will he be fine?

Automatic feeding for Mandarin fish

Hello reef tank!

I am excited to set up my first marine aquarium! I am really interested in getting a mandarin fish. However, I noticed that they prefer mainly live or frozen food. My concern is that I usually travel for 2-3 weeks and I would like to be able to take care of the feeding automatically. I can take care of water changes by telling my roommate to do it, but I feel bad asking him to feed the mandarin every day. I saw some folks that they created a DIY feeder with live brine shrimp.
Can you also have a mechanism that drops an amount of brine shrimp eggs that the mandarin can eat?


20% OFF Easy Reef Masstick, Pellets and Phyto

new here


Reading forums for solutions has been my past. This will be the first time registering to be in on discussion.

I am not exactly new to the hobby but i wouldn't say very experienced either.

I got sick after somewhat of a crazy experience in the hobby. I picked up a 55 gallon setup from someone getting out for $200. Cant beat that so i grabbed it.
I set it in the living room, put the rock, water in and let it sit for 2 years.

I started noticing white spots on the glass that i hadn't noticed before. No big deal until i realized they were multiplying so when i looked closer THEY WERE MOVING!!

Ever since then ive been sick;)

I had since moved on to a few different set ups over the years and just tinkered to my hearts content.

Now i'm back at it again. :lol:

New Reef Cycling

Hi, I got my live rock from an established tank thats was running for 2 years at my lfs thats closing. My numbers are all good, my ammonia is gone, phosphate is gone. I have Astrina snails living (i know they're hardy). Do you think it's okay to go ahead and add my clean up crew now?? a couple of my rocks were in a curing tank at the store too curing since late august, the rest is out of a clown fish tank.

New Critter in Tank

Found this during today's water change, any idea what it is?

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Colt. Coral problem

I purchased a Colt Coral Friday and it's still not extending, do they take more than a few days to open all the way.

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Candy Cane Coral Spikes?

Hello Everyone!

I haven't posted in a while, but thought I should ask this question.
For a while now I've noticed my candy cane coral has little twigs/spikes growing out of it. I just assumed it was growing, but thought I should ask just in case. Here is a picture

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Need help on what to do next

I set my 5 gallon nano up on Wednesday with live rock and live sand my first test results are
Ph- 7.6-7.8
Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
Nitrate- 0 ppm
Should I add a raw shrimp in to let it cycle? And how should I do so thank you.


Hi my name is Bryan, I've been looking into starting a reef and fish tank I have a 125 gallon tank but I'm trying to find as much information as I can. I was thinking about starting with mushroom and polyp. I was hoping to find out best equipment to have I don't mind spending more to avoid mistake. Any help would be appreciated I'm new to the world and want to make sure I have and the advice and information I can get

Help Me Decide on First Salt Tank

First post here, my names cody, i live in East Tennessee, im a mechanical engineering student at UT. I have had 11 freshwater tanks over the course of my life, but until moving to knoxville i have never had access to saltwater supplies. Now that i do, im obviously excited!! My thinking is to start with a FOWLR to acclimate myself to the added variables of saltwater. Ideally moving onto a full blown reef setup once my experience allows.
My question stems from the age old discussion of the law of diminishing returns....
I already have a 40 Gallon breeder tank, heaters and powerheads.
I also could easily buy a 20 gallon breeder for little money. Those are my two options regarding the size of the tank. The sump filter, lights, stand i intend to build, as a fabricator im rather savvy at DIY. The question is, is the larger start up cost (for live rock at 7$/lbs) for the 40 gallon worth the extra size as opposed to the obviously lesser cost of starting a 20 gallon. The cost of live rock and substrate is my main concern here.
In summery, is having a 40 gallon breeder over a 20 gallon breeder worth the extra start up cost and running maintenance when it comes to long term enjoyment, ie the number of fish available, stability, etc.

Feel free to point out any other variables i have left out regarding the initial costs that may help, hurt, or render the comparison useless!

Thank you for your time,


Hydrometer gives different readings each time?

My hydrometer seems to give a different level of salinity each time I put it in a different part of the tank, and I don't know if it's he hydrometer or my tank. The parts with more flow seem to have less salinity. I have a fluval spec v and was wondering if I should purchase a powerhead?

A sunny Sunday

Top of the morning my TRT friends, and......HAPPY SUNDAY! :dance: Looking like another beautiful day today, well, no rain, and a seasonable feel to the air. GREAT DAY to go do something as a family......WHAT? I don't know, but WILL! How about some buttermilk waffles and maple sausages to go with our coffee and pink milk for starters. Waking the troops up in a bit to get ready for church. Hope all are exceedingly well, and groovy, and all the best,

samedi 25 février 2017

Hi all

Hi everyone, my name is Kevin. I have been an aquarist for a while, freshwater, mainly African cichlids. In December I decided to use a 55 gallon I had on hand and try my luck at a reef tank. Off to a pretty good start, tank looks pretty good even though I'm still fooling with diatoms, but they are almost gone. I'm sure I will have some questions so hope I don't become a pest, lol. Thanks

I will post some picks as soon as I figure out how. :wavey:

HELP! Algae driving me to put the tank on the curb...

Hi All,
I have noticed problems with algae lately. I have always kept it under control.

I have a 94 gallon with about 50lbs LR, 2 inch LS bed.
1 bi color blennie
2 ocelarris clowns
6 pepp shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
3 blue chromis
2 ignatus anthias

Nitrate 10-15-20 depending on the day, but it is 5 today.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
pH 8.2
Sal 1.025-1.026
Phosphate sometimes up to .1, mostly 0.0.
I used RO/DI water

3 little zoa colonies. 3 kenyas. 1 neon green sinularia.

The only thing new is I bought two of those 165 watt chinese LEDs that everybody talks about and recommends on here. The corals LOVE the new lights. ALSO: I experimented with Purple Up for a week or so. But I cut the dose in half of what it recommended. And I don't think I have used it 7 times. I returned the light and no longer use PurpleUp. I put my .5 watt LED canopy set back.

I get some purple on the sand on one side and on some rocks. And some green hair algae, which is not a lot and is actually pretty - but I know it needs to go.

I have been doing a lot of WC's. I manually remove the stuff, but it comes back. It looks like either cyano or velvet. I can't get it all. I suck up a lot of sand too.

Can I add new LS from the store if I do it in small doses?
The livestock seems happy.
I have shortened the length the lights are on and feed less. I have also dosed some PhosBuster.


LED lighting for 50g

Hey guys, I've been running a 10 gallon nano for a while now and everything is thriving so I decided since I didn't kill everything that I could spend the money on a bigger tank. I just picked up an acrylic 50 gallon tank and a stand from a local person who had never used it for a smoking deal. Since I didn't break the bank with the tank and stand I want to get some led lights that will allow me to grow sps and clams, I want to have a light that won't limit me down the road.

The tank is 48" long so I was thinking about 2 Kessil a360we's but I don't really have enough expertise to know viable options that have the capability to grow what I want. The last thing I want to do is put something in my tank that I can't provide a good environment for and it ends up suffering or dying. The reasons I am going for LED over other lighting solutions is mostly form factor energy savings and low heat.

What are some other good LEDs that would work for a 48" tank that have the power and penetration for my needs? ha

Thanks in advance for the help and suggestions

Adding Dead Coral and Cowrey Shells to New Tank

Hi guys!

Just one more quick question: we're cycling our 60 gallon tank (currently in week one).

My husband and I wanted to add a bunch of beautiful dead coral and cowrey shells that we have collected from Hawaii over the past few years. Is it safe to add these to our tank? We've had them for a few years now and they're absolutely stunning.

I thoroughly rinsed them and thought now would be a good time to add them since we don't have any fish in the tank yet.

Thanks so much! Happy Saturday. :-)

Clean up Crew for a 55 gallon tank.

My 55 gallon tank is almost 2 years old and my last clean up crew is almost all dead from my 2 large hermit crabs. My tank is being run by a modified hang on the back filter. There is plenty of hair algae and fil, algae in my tank. I would like to know a good Clean up Crew for it. I do not have any fish in it but I do have a very large pistol shrimp.

New setup issues

I am new to reef tanks. I am in the process of setting up a 110 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump. I put in live sand and rock and filled the tank. The protein skimmer was overflowing the top with the plug pulled. I let it run for a few day and it didn't get better. Drained the tank, filled it with non salt water, the skimmer ran perfectly. Slowly added salt (instant Ocean) and now after 48 hours the skimmer is back to freaking out again. I have the valve wide open, and have tried to let it run in less water and still won't go back to normal. Please help out of ideas.

Need higher turnover rate?

So I have a 90 gallon total water volume. I have 2 since 1200 poweheads and a 951 gph return pump. I run a manifold tho with currently a bio pellet reactor, UV sterilizer and soon to be a JBJ u think I need a bigger return pump. Plus my tank is 2 feet tall and at the return pump tubes the water is coming ou but definitely slowly. I keep SPS pls and softies. No Arcos to or Monty. Just alien eye green birds nest, procipolla and a meteor shower as of now...

Too much foam

Can anyone explain to me why is my skimmer who worked perfectly 10 months ago , now is foaming so much clear skimmate that its impossible to control.

Its an SRO 3000 int. Its been innactive for 10 months since i closed the tank , but now i can't control it anymore. I'm cycling right now 1.025 gravity,

its in 6.5 " of water the recommended height. I'm a bit confused about this.
Any ideals as what could be the problem.

Swell Saturday

Morning everyone from Boston. Getting on a plane home, via Dulles, to our little spot in the country.

Looks like warm temps are over there and snowy drizzly crud is moving in.

Coffee is on.

vendredi 24 février 2017

Salinity in tank is low - week 1 of cycle

So we are on week 1 of cycling of our 60 gallon tank.

The salinity level tested VERY low at 1.17 yesterday so I researched all day on the best way to raise it. Since the tank is cycling I didn't want to top it off with fresh salt water; however, I thought it would be best to remove a small percentage of the water and add salt water to it.

From what I read, most people are recommending to raise the level of salinity up only .01 per week, is that right?

After siphoning 10 gallons, raising the salinity to the recommended amount then adding it back in, the salinity level is at 1.19.

The tank currently has 25lbs of cured live rock and sand, a few tiny star fish, a tiny hermit crab, and a baby snail that hitchhiked in.

Do you all have any recommendations? Should I continue this procedure until it's at the desired level? I'm concerned about messing up the cycling process.

Thanks so much!

Kessil LED's

Earlier this week I was asking about LED lights- I was considering getting one to upgrade my lighting (currently running a 4 bulb T5 w/ati bulbs on my 45 gallon tank.) I decided to pass on the lighting and chose to upgrade my skimmer instead.

In a funny (not funny) turn of events my T5 unit had a random freak out in the middle of the night and pretty much exploded. In a panic I called my fav LFS and he has one Kessil 160 on hand.

I am planning on purchasing that lamp tomorrow- my question is do you feel like my tank will be ok with one unit until he can order me another (a couple of weeks.) I have lps and nems, one SPS but it is pretty near the top of the tank.

Tank dimensions are 36"L x 13"W x 24"H

Also is this a good LED fixture?

Eshoppes PSK 75 Skimmer Input

I have a RSM 250C (65 G) tank and have had nothing but problems with it. One of those problems is, in two years, I've had two skimmer pumps die on me. There have been other problems, but that's another thread. So.

I bought an Eshopps PSK 75 HOB skimmer (because the sump area of the RSM 250 will not accommodate ANYTHING but a RSM skimmer, whose pump is junk.

My LFS recommended this skimmer as being their "go to" skimmer that most of them use in their personal systems, so I bought one. I have it. I've put it together. I'm looking at it.

I'm absolutely terrified to use it because now all I hear is how the Eshopps leaks and overflows.

Does anyone out there have one? Do you like it? Am I going to wake up tomorrow with gallons of water seeping into my hardwood floors?

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to prevent that?

pump Active Aqua Submersible Water Pump, 1000 GPH - Saltawater

Hello everyone,

I need your help!

I just bought this pump Active Aqua Submersible Water Pump, 1000 GPH at but I realized in the manual that this pump does not operate in saltwater, my intention would be use this pump inside my sump in a saltwater fish tank. What could happen if I use this pump in saltwater?

Thanks a lot!
Fernando Parra

Lighting question

I bought this light to set my tank up with. It's a 75 gallon tank with 95lbs or cured rock in it.
Is this an adequate light for a beginning tank? Also I am not sure what kind of lighting schedule I should be running the tank has been set up for 10 days. What percentage of blue and white light should I be running and how long should I be running these in the beginning? And what should I be at once the tank becomes more established? Thanks in advance for the replies.

Drop-Off Tank Build - Episode 3: Aquascaping + Which Heater Should We Use?

BTA stabbed by tuxedo urchin

Hi Guys,

So recently my tuxedo urchin smashed his way up against my rainbow bubble tip anemone which resulted in many puncture wounds. A few days later the anemone still looked quite rough but I thought this was part of it healing. Its been a little over a week and the anemone keeps getting worse and losing color. My sunburst anemone is right next to him and is doing wonderful along with all other coral in my tank. Any hints as to what is going on or if I can help the anemone in any way would be greatly appreciated.


Frazzled Friday

Morning all. Went to work at 5 am to do some spray can painting of some project boxes. No one else wants to paint, but that is probably because of the slew of armchair quarterbacks.

Made a couple of the fancy Starbuxs urns of coffee so help yourself.

At least today is donut day. :beer:

Looks like it got a little rainy overnight in Boston but still warm.

jeudi 23 février 2017

Beginner Startup

Hello TRT, I'm starting up my 55 Gal tank again after some time off with dry rock and sand. Can I cycle with no live rock or sand. Any advice will help. Thanks.

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What are these?

These were on the rocks when I got them, just wondering what they were. I hope it posted the pictures this time. Thanks in advance for replies

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What are these?

Just wondering what these are growing on the rock. They were on the rocks when I got them.

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How can you tell when your starfish is getting old?

Our serpent starfish has been acting weird, had a hole in its head that looked like it was on its back and you were looking at its mouth, the hole filled back, then the main body grew darker while the legs seem to fade.

Is this the sign of old age in a starfish? :(

185 Build with faux sand bed

I'm starting a 185G build for anyone who wants to follow along.

My current 155 bowfront is leaking 2 gallons a day so the clock is ticking.

Wife making me replace the square of carpet where the tank is going with vinyl because I ruined the carpet where the 155 is.

I will be putting in a portland cement faux sand bottom like I did on my 155. I don't think this caused the leak but I will be taking extra precautions this time. (original thread here)

Stocking list to come soon. Have to change fish stock from my current tank because they aren't reef safe and I suddenly tripled my coral stock when I got the new tank

1. Location of new tank will be where couch is now
2. The tank
3. Equipment to fit on pallet and stay in garage
4. Rock that came with tank. It has been bleached because it was more hair algae by weight than it was rock when I got it. I will supplement from my 155 when I transfer.

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Maxima clam dying?

Hey I'v had this Blue maxima clam now for about 3 seemed to be doing really well and in the past 3 days or so has taken a turn for the worst...I think. It looked like one area on the outer edge of his mantle was pinched at first. He was not opening up all the way...opened about half way. My water hasent changed...I cant think of anything nipping at it...or any fish? Tank is a 90 gallon about a year old. Good flow, I keep SPS, and I have kessil 360 tuna blues. Not sure if it was pinched mantle disease. I came home today and he's about halfway open again but its flesh and mantle is sunken way inside of it, if that makes sense.

did I make a mistake?

I have a fowlr tank and I also have a few fake coral decorations In the tank. they got very dirty and I removed 2 of them and rinsed them off in fresh water ( I know< I should've used RODI). couple of questions. questions: 1- could those decorations have become "live" from being in the tank? 2- if so then did I kill off any bio? 3- if I put back in the tank will I get an ammonia spike?

Brown Algae Problems

New to the blog and am Still navigating my way around. I have a 29 gallon bio cube that's been running for 6 months. I run carbon, protein skimmer, and an algae scrubber. About a month ago I had this brown, dusty, algae outbreak. I can easily blow it off with a turkey baster and nothing seems to want to eat it. I do frequent water changes (20% weekly) and my parameters are in check. Zero nitrates, zero phosphate (can't get any algae to grow in my scrubber so I believe it), Ca:400, Mg:1560 (high), dKH: 8. I have two clowns, a firefish, some snails, hermits, and a toadstool coral. No idea what in the world is going on... Very frustrating. I was running gfo and stopped because i thought maybe it was too effective. No change with out it. Any ideas?

Need help on what to do for cycling

I have a 5 gallon nano tank with about 5 pounds of live rock and 5 pounds of live sand and I need some help on Ideas on what to do for cycling?

Banded Coral Shrimp Dilema

Issue: Shrimp is possibly killing my fish.

Has anyone had an issue with their banded coral Shrimp killing its tank mates? I placed in my tank two days ago a male and female Anthias and this Mornjng found the male in the claws of my Shrimp (dead!)

I'm not sure if the Shrimp killed the fish or found him after he died but the fish were new and the female is still fine (so sad as he was so pretty!)

The Shrimp pretty much tries to crab anything that gets near him- I see him snip all the time but I've never actually seen him get a hold of anything... I'm torn on what to do because he's been in my tank for almost two years and is very active- I love watching him stomp around the tank. That being said if he is a potential threat he needs to go as I can't afford to feed him $35 fish lol.


Guineafowl puffer can swallow water & inflate itself when threatened

When threatened, this species has the incredible ability to swallow water and inflate itself to several times its normal size.

Coralline or something else?

So I had put a small piece of my rock in the refugium I do not have any lights in my fuge it was in total darkness and these red solid things started to grow on it in a few days! Can anyone ID?

If it's coralline how did it grow in complete darkness? I thought it needed light to grow.

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Sump Advice needed

Ok so I am looking at installing a DYI sump. Made out of a 20Gal long. For now It will just create water flow as I currently have a HOB Protein Skimmer and will need to save up for a Skimmer to go into the Sump.

My question is:

Has anyone ever done or come across someone who has built a box beside the tank just for the sump. My current stand can't fit a sump under it at least not my free 20 Gal tank. So should I just rebuild my tank stand to support the sump or build a little box beside my stand and put the sump in there?

This is my first sump so I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my established reef tank.

Also my tank is drilled. Should I take everything out and drill it or just use a HOB overflow? I have heard horror stories of the HOB overflows.

Seachem Reef Complete

Hey gang - Just wondering if anyone has used Seachem Reef Complete and what your opinions of it are?

Too Early Thursday

Morning all. Having overpriced food at the airport but I can afford Cinnabon and coffee for the early risers.

Back to Boston today. Made good progress on the other half of the garage yesterday. I'll finish that after going back home Saturday.

Technical delays on my project but think I finally go install the first couple of them next week.

Enjoy your Thursday everyone.

mercredi 22 février 2017


65 gal tank-Thinking about what fish I want to add to my tank. I have two black snowflake clowns and a peppermint shrimp. My plans are to get a hippo tang and a yellow tang. What other fish would go well with these?
Also, I would like to add corals at some point. Is the LFS the place to purchase corals?

Trip to Disney

This week we went to Disney World with our two Grand Kids, Daughter and Son N Law.

They actually took us. We haven't gone to Disney in about 30 years when we took our Daughter a few times. A lot is changed as now they added more princesses, Buzz Lightyear, some Johnny Depp stuff in Pirates of the Caribbean and fingerprint machines.

So we get to the magic Kingdom and see Mickey, Minnie, the Duck, Princess this and that and had a great, but tiring day. That night we had reservations to have dinner with Minnie at Hollywood Studios so we head to the Monorail. My wife has MS and is riding in a scooter.

We get to the monorail and the thing isn't running so the guy says to take the boat. We get on this boat for the 20 minute ride then get on this line to get into Hollywood Studios. As you know, everything in Disney is fake except the lines. Now you have to go through security and get fingerprinted. I am not sure what the fingerprinting does or why they really need the fingerprints from three year old Teddy unless they feel he is a threat to Pluto or maybe will pull Minnie's tail. But we finally get to the front and find out we can't get in. It seems you can only go to one theme park on the same day unless you pay more. A lot more. The guard tells us to go to customer service to see what we can do.

After waiting on the line at customer service we are told we need to pay about $500.00 more plus the $300+ that we already paid for the dinner with Minnie. (that was for all 6 of us) We didn’t think it was prudent to pay $800.00+ to eat frankfurters with a Rat so we told them to forget it. Now we “only” have to pay $60.00 for not showing up. Like, is it me!

So we ask some guy sweeping the floor where we can eat because these kids, besides being disappointed at not seeing the mouse, are hungry. He tells us to go to France. He says, there is a lot of food in France. I am thinking the France in Europe but he means the France in Disney.

I worked with a guy who thought he was all over the world because he went to Disney every year, and even bought a brick on the sidewalk with his name on it. It’s not like he doesn’t have a life or anything.

So we get back on the boat to France for another 20 minute ride. In “France” we head to the first restaurant where we are told, “You can’t even scrape chewing gum off the sidewalk to eat without a reservation”. She also said, there is absolutely no place in France where we can eat. I don’t know how many people live in the “real” France, but I think most of them were there in Disney last night.

So we ask how to get back to the Hotel. We are on the other side of Disney so it is a very long walk. On the way we stop at popcorn stands, hot dog stands, French Fry stands, all with the same outcome. We couldn’t get a bite to eat as the lines were so long that the park would close before you got anything. So we are working our way back when my wife’s electric scooter croaks. It would go ten feet and stop, then go ten feet and stop. I started pushing the thing, which is not very easy. There is a big phone number on the front that I call figuring they would send a tow truck or something. Of course no one answers the phone; after all I am in France.

We finally are getting near the monorail and I see one coming so we start to run. We run and run, up the ramp, right up to the gate and the monorail pulls in and we wait. We wait some more, then we are waiting. Then nothing. The doors don’t open. The announcement comes on: THIS MONORAIL NEEDS TO GO INTO THE SHOP FOR REPAIRS. Of course it does, why wouldn’t it! So after about 30 minutes and two sleeping kids another one pulls up and we get on.

We eventually make it back to our hotel about 9:00PM where the only thing open is the ice cream parlor. We go up to the counter and are told: We are closing in 10 minutes. Great, just enough time to get an ice cream to take out.
We stayed for four days and when we checked out the guy at the hotel desk handed me the bill. We pre paid the hotel, Disney passes and transportation so I wasn't expecting to pay to much at check out. The bill was for about $2,000.00. After I got up from the floor I asked what the $2,000.00 was for and he told me, "For drinks". I said, if I drank two thousand dollars worth of alcohol in four days while staying with a 3 and 4 year old I wouldn't be standing here arguing with you now. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be standing. I would also probably be in jail as a lousy Grand Father. The drinks were good, but they weren't that good. I said I had maybe seven drinks and my wife had maybe five. Then he realized he added an extra zero to the bill. A zero doesn't come to much unless it is for drinks.

The rest of the trip went well and I hope I am now finished with Disney. But the Kids had a ball.

Fire Shrimp died from molting?

Hey I have had this fire shrimp in my 90 gallon now almost a year. I HAVE NOT ADDED anything new to the tank in months fish wise. I have not added any new inverts or anything just some lps corals. Well I came home one afternoon, my lights were still of and I went to change my filter sock. Well I noticed what looked to be the shell of my fire shrimp. I'm thinking "O cool he molted"...well no. He was first of all out on top of a rock in the open, which I'v never noticed before when he molts, and he was laying on his side. It looked like something happened with the molt wrong. Like he was a human trying to take off a hoodie over its head but the hoodie was too small and he just kept struggling until his death. So I went to pick up the "shell", and was like o crap hes still in there. I then left him alone. His back little legs were moving, and then after a couple of hours he just stopped and pretty much was floating around the tank. Once he was dead I picked him up and yupp he was definitely in there. Is it possible he died during this time...struggled, or something? I will say he did hide quite a bit....I assumed he was always getting enough food, perhaps maybe he was not healthy enough because lack of food. He would usually stay hidden minus eating times. I currently have sissy fish. A pink skunk clown, tomini tang (small), scissortail dartfish, tanaka pygmy wrasse and blue assessor.

Coraline Algae on Day 2

Hi guys (sorry another question),

I'm currently on day 2 with the new tank, starting up the cycle with raw shrimp, and Coraline Algae is already all over 3 of my LR's. Is that a good sign?

We bought our LR from a local aquarium supplier (great place, Aquarium Advantage in Plano, TX).

Anyway, looks like the Coraline has a bunch of clusters with little fingers growing up a few cm long. Hoping it's a good sign.


What is this growing off rock and out of sand?

Hi all,

Please see photo, what is this growing off the rock? and growing out of live sand.

Also I have a few starfish interlopers - are they a bad thing?


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Diagrams: How RO/DI Systems Work

Raw frozen shrimp okay to start cycle?

Hi, I'm just curious if it's okay to use a frozen raw (peeled) shrimp to get the cycle started in my new tank.

I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0 nitrates and I'm on day 2 with 25 lbs of live rock, and 40lbs of live sand in a 60 gal tank.

Thanks so much!

Tank glue

Hi, i wanted to know what is the best glue to use for 240 litres acrylic tank??? I will use 10mm thick acrylic.

Welcome Wednesday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Been a smidge since I beat anyone to the alarm clock around here.....COOL! :cool: Scramble eggs and bacon has been requested around that it is with a side of white toast and assorted jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk. Heading into work for a bit today as the boss is heading down to Florida for a long weekend and I need to make sure the water stays in the creek and the air stays in the sky.....You know....BABY SIT the place! Hope all are safe and well, and can out run and catch so fun today, all the best,

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mardi 21 février 2017

Can anyone Id this little dude?

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Setting up a new tank with a ticking time bomb in my old

My 155 bow front mixed reef has a leak. Bottom front seam, not accessible under rim, poured faux concrete bottom making repair impossible. Leak is manageable about 2 gallons a day. Has been stable for a week. I am catching all the water (I think)

I was got a used 185G with all the trimmings but it was COVERED in hair algae. Came with about 300lbs of live rock. Cleaning, stand repair, plumbing, and flooring will take me about a month.

Probably half my bacteria in my old tank is in my porous faux bottom and agrocrete back wall - also not easily transferable because it is fitted and cemented in. The rock that came with the tank is nicer than mine if it was clean. Half is submerged in a trashcan with a heater, the other half is drying out because I am out of space.

I am not impatient but I don't know if I can chance 6 months of cooking rock followed by a tank cycle with an active leak that could go critical at any time . I have a lot of nice corals that I don't want to loose.

Any suggestions on the most expeditious way to do this without starting my new tank in a phosphate soup?

What lighting to use for new tank?

I'm a little confused on the best lighting to use.

Our 60 gallon tank came with two small LED strips natural/moon light setting; however, we would like to add corals to the tank eventually. I've heard a lot of differing opinions on the T5 verses LED lighting.

Any suggestions or recommended brands?


Michelle H.

Bristle or fire worm?

Hey guys FIRST POST! :D I saw this guy creeping out under one of my LR and i ran to get the phone to snap a pic. I am new to the hobby and can't distinguish by looking at the pic any opinions will help!!

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Deciding what fish to start off with

My husband and I have a new 60 gallon tank with LR and LS that came with a couple hitchhikers (hermit crab, and tiny white star fish).

We're starting to plan what kind of fish to add that won't be too aggressive to other fish that we'd like to add into the tank later. Also, we are eventually looking to adding Coral as well.

Any suggestions for newbies? I've heard a lot about Damsels but I'm concerned that they may be too agressive to the other fish. My daughter really wants a Tang but I'm concerned our tank may be too small and I'd like to keep the bullies out if possible.


Michelle H.:):)

Cycle question

So I am new to saltwater tanks. I guess you get this a lot lol. Anyway I have a question about cycling my tank or I guess more or less what to make of my tests. I have a 75 galling tank I bought 95lbs of cured rock and it is all in the tank. I did tests for everything when I first got the tank, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and a bunch more. Those all read 0 when I started the tank, I let the tank run with the skimmer and filter for about 5 days before I started doing tests again, nitrates were at 10 ppm. I did some reading about cycling with a raw shrimp so input the shrimp in for a couple days taking reasons the whole time. The first day ammonia was 0 nitrates were 10 and nitrites were 0. The second day ammonia was .25ppm nitrates were 15 and nitrites were 0. I did the tests again today the ammonia is 0 nitrates are 10 and nitrites are still 0. I guess my question is did I cycle my tank or not. I live close to pacific east aquaculture so that's where I got my cured live rock from. They made it seem that I would not have much of a cycle at all and after about a week it would be safe to start putting frags in the tank and maybe get a clean up crew or something after doing about a 15% water change. I have yet to do the water change I was going to do that tomorrow. I'm just looking for any info you guys could give me, sorry if I sound like a noob that's because I am. Thanks in advance for your replies.

New be

Hi all I got a second hand tank and need help !!!!!

Orca tank

Hi all I just got a second hand tank it's a orca setup can anyone tell me anything about it ,there's three compartments at the rear and I don't know were the foam ,bio ball,ceramic and the charcoal goes can someone help ...Thanks

Aquarium Expert Needed!

I am looking for an aquarium expert that can help me design a schematic of how my entire aquarium system will work together so I can engineer how everything works. Looking to work virtually to collaborate on the best system for my new tank before I set anything up :)

Give me a quote of what you think is fair and we can get started right away!

Hi Reefers !!!!!

I'm a newb, been researching a reef tank for about 2 months..videos after videos, and have now started my own tank. It's just a 42gal upright. I'm planning on keeping it simple with max about 6-7 fish and some corals on my rocks. So be prepared for my frantic questions lol

Tuesday lookin' atcha

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is on. A variety of scones, bagles, and biscuits ready for you to fill with sweet or savory. Nanners and oranges on the side, too.

George - How was Chris's first day of vacation?

Let's get this day rolling, whether you're working with doxies or widgets.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

lundi 20 février 2017

Bashsea twisted skimmer

Hello all, I frequent these forums (never signed up) for info constantly ever since I started my tank about 6 years ago and have yet to post. However I recently bought a Bashsea twisted skimmer 6-24 for my tank and paired it with a sicce syncra 5.0 and I have to say after 2 days this thing was pulling more skimmate then any skimmer I have seen in person and with the pump choice it actually makes less noise then my last skimmer. My last skimmer was an omega 150 and it was nowhere near as good as this thing. I haven't found too many reviews on it and thought I would post for anyone thinking about getting one with how little info there is online about these. The only thing you should know is the drain line out of the collector cup is not optional. It has to be used and put into a collection device of some sort. It needs the air as I found out. Bashsea makes one you can purchase. I made one out of a pump stopper kit from aquahub and an old phosban reactor I had laying around. Between the build quality and the function of this skimmer, I just had to post. And for those of you not familiar it is a beckett style with a twist lol

Anyways happy reefing

Need some advice on setting up tank with LR

Hi all, I am very new. My husband wanted a saltwater tank so he and I have been researching non-stop for three days.

We have a 60 gallon tank. All of our equipment has been ordered. We will be using a HOB aqua clear 110, a HOB protein skimmer, and a Jeboa wavemaker WP25; however, our equipment will not be in for a few days.

In the meantime our fish store assured me that it would be fine to add our live sand, live rock, and salt water to the tank for a few days until the equipment arrives. Do I need to run the heater as well?

I have 30lbs of live rock in a bucket and I'm afraid to mess this up.

Thanks so much!


Site Performance as of late

Is it just me or is the site becoming a little less a link and wait :(

Can anyone ID this translucent Red/pink plant growing on my live rock?

Can anyone ID this translucent Red/pink plant growing on my live rock? Is this plant or whatever it is good or should it be removed? It looks like more is starting to grow next to it. It's growing at a decent speed.

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Presidents Day Sale!

Presidents Day Sale!

Deals on dosers, supplements, skimmers, and more!

PLUS 10% off sitewide w/ coupon UNITED ends @ midnight TONIGHT! Some exclusions apply.

Adding New Live rock To Established ReefbTank?

I have a large piece of LR in my 55 Reef that is entirely covered in GSP.

It's pretty and all but I would like to free up the space so I can add some more variety. Am I able to put a new price of LR in my tank to replace it or will that crash my tank and cause it to recycle?

Led problems. This is a new one I haven't seen yet

Just got done building a 14 1watt bar for my wife's tank. Using my old meanwell 60-48d driver. Did the ol current check and voltage check. Everything is propper. It lit up great. Unplugged it and headed to home. Connected it to the tank and bam, no go. Took it apart and found there was a bulb went out. Ok, change that one and it worked again. Put it back on the tank, Bam, no go again. Wth

My though is, when u unplug the driver, not the 10v dim, it surges and the bulbs go bright for a flash. I'm thinking that it's surging too much juice to these 1 watt bulbs......

2 different meanwell
14 1 watt ebays.
Wired very nicely
Adjusted properly
Def not my first rodeo.

Options, buy 3 watt leds. Buy a dif driver.

Win a Hydra TwentySix HD LED Light and HMS Mount!

Win a Hydra TwentySix HD LED Light and HMS Mount!

The Hydra TwentySix HD is capable of producing a limitless number of spectral combinations to fit your tank’s exacting needs. Enter now for your chance to blast your aquarium into Hyperdrive!


Worm, Bug?

Hi, I've just started my reef tank up, it's a 42gal upright. it's been running now a few days.. I noticed this morning a small creature that in the pic i got looks to be a small snail or slug? I have nothing but live rock & sand as of yet.

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Anyone using Prodibio products

Just wondering if anybody else used prodibio start up to start their tanks and how it went.

When did you add your fist inverts and fish. What fish was it and how many a week did you add. Thanks.

Monday morning madness!

Good morning TRT faithful! Wow I'm the only one online right now. The wife and half the kids are asleep as Presidents' Day has her off so she will be watching the kids. Got the boy ready for school and me ready for work. Monday's are always a drag. But, my coral shipment should be shipping out today! Added another frag last night lol. Just couldn't help myself. 51 here right now with a high of 70 and 70+ all week. Guess the snow missed us this year. Oh well. Hope everyone has a good day today :beer:

Curious and looking for feedback.

By the end of this week I plan on having my 125 gallon tank up and running, however... I'm curious if It is possible to have 4 midnight clowns and 2 Maroon clowns in the same tank. I was planning on getting at least 4 anemones and a few coral put in place. What do you all think?

dimanche 19 février 2017

29 biocube stocking help

Hi, I have a coralife 29 biocube. I have 2 fish rn an ocellaris clownfish and a matted filefish. I'm looking for a smaller fish that's pretty colorful and active (not hide when I walk into the room). I also have some soft corals, so I need a reef friendly fish. I was thinking of a royal gramma.

And what's a good clean up crew? I have a coral banded shrimp (mine is not aggressive at all), an emerald crab(that hides all day :( ) and 2 small hermits. I want to get a nassarius snail soon. I love little critters, and I know that a clean up crew won't take much bio load. :) any good suggestions that are entertaining to watch?


Newbie about to start my first build

Hello everyone, this is my first time ever posting on this forum. Iv read a lot of good things regarding this forum and I hope you gas and gals can help me through the process of setting up my first saltwater tank.

I have quite a bit of aquarium experience regarding freshwater planted aquariums. I also work as a biologist, so I can catch on to the biological talk pretty quick (again, specialize in freshwater ecology not marine).

I am going tomorrow after work to pick up the aquarium. I will be getting a 100 gallon long 72x18x18 with .5 inch glass. I found it on Craigslist local for $125.

I have quite a bit of equipment picked out, which I will include after this post in an equipment list.

I will be building everytime myself and from scratch for the most part.

I plan to drill and set the tank up with the herbie overflow method bc it's important to me the tank is quite, as it will be in my living room as a center piece.

I will be using a 55 gallon tank as my sump, which I have pretty much laid out in my head. Will explain later.

I want to do this right the first time bc I learned the hard way with planted tanks, I thought bc I knew stream ecology, I wouldn't have any issues with a planted tank and boy was I wrong. Now, they are beautiful and my livestock is thriving, But wasn't always like that haha. I want my first saltwater tank to succeed.

Just a little on my plans. Again, this is my first post ever and it's great to be here.

Maxspect 120W Razor lights stopped working - Help

Hey guys,

I bought a second hand maxspect razor from a friend of mine last week, and have been running them on my 80g tank. They worked excellently, and I've seen my friend running these lights for the past 2 years without any issue at all. I trust my friend completely, and know for fact he hasn't sold me a dodgy light.

I set them up under the hood of my tank, and they were going very well until this morning, where the whole unit stopped working. The LCD screen is out, and none of the lights fire up at all.
I believe the culprit to be high levels of humidity in my hood, which has fried something in the unit.

My question for you is, does anybody know of any possible parts which I can replace on the unit to get it back up and running? I've pulled it apart, and everything seems fairly clean with no issues. There's no excess salt on anything (this is what made me suspect humidity as there wouldn't be salt present in the condensation).

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Sand Questions

Hi, I got a biocube 29 from Craigslist 2 weeks ago. It had a bare bottom and I'm adding nature's ocean live sand. Im adding a cup a week.

How do you clean poop off of sand? The sand it's self is white but there's poop on the sand. I've been trying to Squirt it with a turkey baster but it's not really working. Should I get a nassarius snail? I have an aqueon 700 pump, should I get a stronger one to mix up the sand more?

I'd help spaghetti worm?

I believe this is a spaghetti worm... bought some snails from LFS and found it inside. Want to be sure before I put it in my DT. Thanks

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