jeudi 3 novembre 2016

Help with building sump

I really want a sump on my 75g reef, but its not drilled, no built in over flow or anything, and tank is already established so I can't drill or anything ( not willing to try ). I heard of the hob overflow , which seems promising but I'm concerned for if I lose power. My plan is to have a 40g breeder sump, with a larger refugium in middle. The hob overflows on BRS are nice but all siphon the water so If I lose power it will be a mess. Some have a feature that keep the siphon going that "works" but then wouldn't it just be pumping water into the sump and the return pump would be off so it would flood? I want to plumb it that if I lose power the overflow and return pump both shut off so I have no flood. Also does the return pump have to be the same GPH as the overflow so levels out? I would love a sump so I can have room for a skimmer and do so much and have macro algae and my tank would benefit so much, I just don't wanta flood :confused:

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