dimanche 27 novembre 2016

Thinking about taking the plunge... again.

I kept reef tanks for 6 or 7 years and got out maybe 12 or so years ago and had a 75 gal and a 29 gal (glass). I'm thinking about starting back with maybe a 130 - 180 gal tank.

I was quite knowledgeable at the time and kept lps, sps, bubble-tip anemone... I became a xenia farmer. I had traditional bio filtration at the time-- live rock, deep sand, protein skimmer, and grew macro algae in my sump. I typically also kept carbon/phosphate bags in my sump. I used metal halide and power compact lighting. I used a calcium reactor for Ca, and all water was RO/DI, which I made with my own RO/DI unit.

My question is, what advancements have been introduced into the hobby over the last 12 years or so? I see LED lighting mentioned, but don't see much about spectrum, kelvin, etc. I assume LEDs are a heck of a lot cooler than my old halides. I'm also interested in automation. Though there was a good bit of automation in my previous setups (the 75 gal much more so than the 29 gal), there was still a good bit of work. I have an adult form of Muscular Dystrophy and get around in a mobility scooter. I don't have the strength to tote 5 gal water jugs around and will only do this with a service coming to the house for weekly or bi-weekly maintenance (under my supervision). Hence, I would want the tank fairly self-sufficient between maintenance visits. The biggest issues I see are keeping the front glass clean (especially free of coralline algae) and freshwater top-off, though freshwater top-off can be automated to some degree. I'm kind of interested in acrylic as leaks and breakage are very rare at least when compared to glass. The problem in the past was that the acrylic scratched very easily and hence, was difficult to clean.

Enough of my rambling. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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