mardi 29 novembre 2016

A stormy Tuesday

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! We got the whole shebang heading here today.....RAIN, WIND, THUNDER/LIGHTING, and TIDES! Good day to work at a boatyard. Glad you got your out side stuff done yesterday George.....good day to just look out the window. Need a scrambled egg and bacon bowl to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us going today I'm thinking. Our friend Cooter got some nice Stripers yesterday, so the fight is on! Can't button up our season at the yard as long as they're out there, and glad to see them finally show up....were a tad late. Hoping for a Movie Theater night tonight after work....'Cheap wad-Tuesday's'. Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Hope all are safe, and have dry things lined up for their days, and all the best,

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