dimanche 27 novembre 2016

Rookie Mistake

So I have started to recover from my first big rookie mistake. Many months ago I asked a "worker" at a LFS about Kalwasser to which he said it works great but you need to be very careful with it. Explained how it works and the do's and don'ts. So I took it home and used it successfully several times and then I had an epiphany; if a little bit works good than a lot should work great. I'm sure that most of you know how this ends. After two weeks of Kalwasser I quite literally watched the flesh melt off of my SPS Frags. :bawling::bawling: I was so sad, both frags that my boys picked out when we started the tank and my Hydnophora (my favourite) kicked the bucket in a very quick manner. My Torch is very upset still but I have hope for recovery. I talked to the local fish god and told him what I had done and he said I added probably around three months worth of Kalwasser in two weeks. So, many water changes later I am one lesson wiser and getting everything balanced out again. Everyone I'm sure has a story about the stupid idea or mistake that they pulled while navigating this "hobby". Now I have one too.

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