mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Last fish suggestion for a 40g Breeder BB

I have 40g Breeder and wanted some suggestions for a final fish, (it's been running for 18 months) it is bare bottom.

Current stock list:

2x Ocellaris Clowns
1x Six-line
1x Midas Blenny
1x Royal Gramma
1x Rainfordi Goby

I was thinking of Fairy wrasse but I'm not sure if that will play nice with my six line, although after being out and about for the past 5 days I found him hiding under a rock yesterday (still alive, I put a power head on him and he hid somewhere else).

Another option would be a single Chromis for the upper part of the tank. Seems that everyone says when you get more than one they end up with one or two anyway.

As of now the clowns host the heater in the corner of the tank, the Rainfordi stays in the bottom quarter of the tank, the Midas is everywhere and the six line when out just cruises around the LR; Gramma sticks to holes in the LR.

Or should I just leave it at the current stocking?

Other inhabitants are just snails and hermits.

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