lundi 21 novembre 2016

Zoanthid eating nudi's

This is the first of a few separate threads I'm going to be making, as I'm having several different problems.

I have a big colony of mixed zoas that are under attack by zoa eating nudi's, the green ones. Their numbers are still small, but I know they're there as I've seen them, and I want to nip this in the butt before they travel to my other zoa colonies. The problem is, I bought Coral Rx, but it states it will kill inverts and I have a micro brittle sea star that lives inside the colony crevices, and also a beautiful(unidentified) anemone living on this rock as well. I don't believe this is a common anemone you can just buy in a lfs, because it hitchhiked on the colony and I can't find anything on it online. bottom line is that is is thriving and I refuse to part with it. So.... How on earth do I deal with these nudi's? I'm afraid to even just do a FW dip because it might harm the anemone.

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