mercredi 23 novembre 2016

Another pH question

It seems lots of folks use Alkalinity to mean pH or Hardness (dKH) as interchangeably, as Kim Kardashian interchanges "OMG!" with "Let me take a Selfie".

These are (2) different things:
- pH is the level of acidity vs the level of alkalinity (base) on a pH scale
- Carbonate Alkalinity is the level of dissolved solids (Carbonate/biCarbonate Hardness) on a dKH or mg/l or ppm scale

With that said, after weeks of searching and no answers - I am hoping to find someone who understands the difference between these two things, and can answer a question.

How do I increase pH without increasing dKH? I want to increase the Alkalinity of my water (pH) without increasing the Carbonate Alkalinity (dKH).

I already have a high Carbonate Alkalinity, so I don't need or want to increase dKH. The Calcium is also high - I know there is a correlation to dKH. However, no matter what I do or how many water changes I perform, and yes - I have added both an air pump, and piped the inlet for the skimmer to a fresh air supply - no matter what I do, I can't get the pH to increase past a 7.0.

I purchase all my water from my LFS. They use Red Sea as their salt and the water is reverse osmosis.

Could it be a magnesium deficiency? Crappy salt? I'm really at a loss for what causes a low pH and how to increase it in an isolated manner without increasing dKH too.


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