mardi 22 novembre 2016


Morning all :thumbup:

Short sleep session last nite, the one dawg soloing this morning usually is not the one to initiate things, so I knew he HAD to go outside. Even tho it was 4 in the morning, I decided to start the day, or at least not go back to bed. Well, it was a nice 3 hr. sleep regardless :freak: .

Sausage and biscuits with coffee soon to be on the TRT training table ;).

Today's plan is to permanently install the wifi antenna in the shop, today is as good as any , since I don't expect warmer days to be around anymore .
Ran the install scenario thru my brain a few times, so hopefully the outside time along with a attic visit (first time since we moved here 20+ yrs ago )to run the cable, should so smoothly. I hope LOL.

Ordered the last chimney part I needed for the pole barn wood burner install.I luckily got the rest (as SS double walled pipe)from my buddy, so I can't complain about shelling out a few bucks for the stove to round pipe adapter :cool:. Kinda nice knowing the whole shebang pretty much cost the $30 I just spent. The two wood burner stoves I got a number of years ago cost next to nothing,the materials to re-seam the one I'm using , 2 cans of hi-temp stove paint round out the expense laid out ,and adding the part I ordered last nite, it'll be just another next to nothin' spent for a project, project.Imagine I could sell the 2nd stove and prob make money on the big picture, but likely it'll spend the rest of it's days just sitting in storage.
It'll be nice to have cheap/free heat out in the pole barn, tho I'd have to justify running it by being out there while it's in operation, instead of the previous shutting off a kero heater when I decide I'm done for the day.

Well, coffee is ready and will likely be on for a good part of the day. Last one please turn off the burner , ok? :thumbup:

Hope everyone has a great day!:wavey:

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