mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Help with high nitrates

I recently took ownership of an established 30 gallon biocube. Carefully moved tank water and sand. Let it run for a few weeks then began to modify the filtration for something way more efficient, lighting, skimmer, added pumps, and began a regular weekly 20% water change schedule. The tank looks amazing and all my livestock (mainly inverts and cleaner crew with 1 percula clown) looks really good. I definitely don't overfeed either. My water tests are spot for on except for nitrates. They are off the chart >160 ppm with several different kits for test comparisons. The water changes have no effect on them. Hoping to add some more livestock and first corals in the upcoming months and not sure how to approach the nitrate issue and any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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